
Progressive Care For Women
Obstetrics & Gynecology located in Downtown Chicago, IL
If you’re thinking it’s time to start trying to get pregnant, it’s time to make the necessary preparations. To help ensure you’re in the best health possible before you get pregnant, the experienced team at Progressive Care for Women in downtown Chicago offers comprehensive preconception appointments. The team of gynecology experts takes a proactive approach to medicine and spends the time necessary in making sure that you and your body are ready for a baby. To schedule your preconception appointment, call the office today or book online.
Preconception Q & A
What is preconception care?
Preconception care refers to the specialized medical care you need prior to becoming pregnant. The team at Progressive Women’s Care specialize in gynecology and provide this much needed medical service.
Pregnancy is life-changing in many ways and taking steps before you conceive can help ensure both you and your baby are healthy throughout the experience.
What can I expect when I come in for preconception care?
The women’s health experts at Progressive Women’s Care offer comprehensive preconception care appointments. The team recommends you come in for your preconception appointment at least three months before you begin trying to conceive.
During your evaluation, your specialist reviews your medical history and habits and offers recommendations on modifications you can make to help improve your health before you become pregnant. Your specialist may also recommend special testing, such as genetic carrier screening, as well as immunization updates to protect yourself from infectious disease.
Your specialist also provides information about your diet and exercise needs now and during pregnancy, as well as the type of supplements you need to support your health and your baby’s development. Your preconception care appointment is also a good time for you and your specialist to discuss any concerns you may have about your health or pregnancy.
If you have an underlying medical issue, such as hypertension or diabetes, your specialist at Progressive Women’s Care can help you control your condition so it doesn’t affect your ability to get pregnant.
Being overweight or obese may also affect your pregnancy, and your specialist may help you make changes to your diet and exercise routine so you can get to a healthier weight before pregnancy.
What can I do to ensure a healthy pregnancy?
Getting to Progressive Women’s Care for a preconception appointment is one of the most important things you can do to ensure a healthy pregnancy. It’s also essential that you take the recommended supplements, especially the folic acid, to help prevent birth defects. You also want to quit smoking and stop drinking alcohol while you’re trying to conceive.
Preconception care is an important part of your pregnancy plan. To schedule your appointment, call Progressive Women’s Care today or book online.
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